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CC72070 and BB25208 at St Christophe-sur-le-Nais.

72070_st-christophe-sur-le-nais.jpg BB63880, BB25252, BB25249, BB25250 and BB63938 at Lozanne.ThumbnailsBB25257 at Miribel.BB63880, BB25252, BB25249, BB25250 and BB63938 at Lozanne.ThumbnailsBB25257 at Miribel.BB63880, BB25252, BB25249, BB25250 and BB63938 at Lozanne.ThumbnailsBB25257 at Miribel.

CC 72070 and BB 25208 at St Christophe-sur-le-Nais with an Le Mans-Tours SNCF freight train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD